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Durham Cathedral announces new Chief Operating Officer

Durham Cathedral is pleased to announce the appointment of Guy Sampson as its new Chief Operating Officer, a role historically known as Chapter Clerk.

Guy is currently Director of Rural Management at Savills, one of the world’s leading property agents and Durham Cathedral’s own land agent. He says,

”I feel privileged and humbled to be taking on the role of Chief Operating Officer at Durham Cathedral, and thank God for the unique opportunity. I am delighted to be able to play a part in the story of this wonderful institution, and greatly look forward to working with our new Dean Philip Plyming as well as the community of Cathedral staff, Chapter and volunteers. The Cathedral’s purpose is expressed as “to worship God, share the gospel of Jesus Christ, welcome all who come, celebrate and pass on our rich Christian heritage, and discover our place in God’s creation”; this purpose truly resonates with me and I am excited to play my part in working towards this and inspiring others to do the same.’"

The Reverend Canon Dr Philip Plyming, recently announced as the next Dean of Durham, was involved in the recruitment process for the next Chief Operating Officer. Commenting on Guy’s appointment Philip said,

"I am delighted that Guy is joining Durham Cathedral as Chief Operating Officer, and his appointment is an answer to much prayer. Guy’s passion for the mission of Durham Cathedral and considerable experience and gifts means that he is exceptionally well-placed to lead the committed operational teams. I am looking forward to working closely with Guy as, under God, we embrace both the opportunities and challenges which the future will bring."

In his role at Savills, Guy has supported estate management projects at the cathedral and is familiar with many of the teams and operations. The Reverend Canon Michael Hampel, Acting Dean of Durham, who chaired the interview panel, said,

‘Guy will combine his existing knowledge of the Cathedral together with his skills at people and estate management at Savills to his new role at Durham and we look forward hugely to welcoming him into the community.’

Current Chief Operating Officer Amanda Anderson is moving on to the post of Chief Operating Officer at Ripon Cathedral in August. Amanda who has been overseeing all operational aspects of life at Durham Cathedral for over 5 years says,

“It has been an honour to be Chapter Clerk and Chief Operating Officer at Durham Cathedral since 2018. Being part of the dedicated team that enables our purpose and vision to be realised has been a humbling experience. I wish Guy every success as he joins the Durham Cathedral team. I know that the staff, volunteers and wider cathedral community will give Guy a warm welcome and in turn, Guy's skills and experience will be a blessing that the whole cathedral community will benefit from."

Guy will officially take up his role on 25 September 2023, shortly after Philip will be installed as the next Dean of Durham on 16 September 2023.


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