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How To Listen

Free App
Listen anywhere, anytime
With out mobile app, you can listen to Durham OnAir wherever you are in the country! Using the app, you can also listen in your car through your cars phone connection system.
Go to your Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and search for "Durham OnAir", or click below.

Smart Speaker
Amazon Echo - "ALEXA, Play Durham On Air"
To listen to us on Alexa, you must first enable our skill! You must first have an amazon echo account.
You first need to enable our skill by saying;
"Alexa, Enable The Durham...On...Air Skill"
or, find "Durham OnAir" in the Skills section of your app and click Enable. Or, click this link below:
Click here to enable our Amazon Echo Alexa Skill
Then Ask your Alexa to "Start Durham.. On.. Air" - If you're having trouble, try leaving a small gap between the words "on" and the word "air"
Google Home / Nest /
Unfortunately, Google have now closed down "Conversational Actions" which includes "Hey Google, Play Durham On Air"
To listen through google - Download our app for your mobile deive (iOS or Android) and connect to your Google Home device using bluetooth.
You can also listen through any other smart speaker or Bluetooth speaker. Use our app or website to listen to Durham OnAir, then connect your audio to your smart speaker using Bluetooth.

Freeview TV with Freeview Plus
You will be able to receive Freeview Plus if your television is connected to the internet. If you have a smart TV, tune to Freeview channel 277 to access 'UK Radio Portal' to enjoy Durham OnAir through your TV in the Tyne Tees region.

Amazon Fire Stick
You can download the 'UK Radio Portal' app for your Amazon Fire Stick. Just search 'UK Radio Portal' in the fire stick interface. One in the app, select Durham OnAir

Through Our Website & Online Directories
Visit on any computer or internet enabled mobile device to listen to Durham OnAir. Just click "Listen Live at the top of every page.
You can also Listen Again to most of our live programs on "Mixcloud" by clicking "Listen Again" on the menu.
You can also listen on and
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