A bold and ambitious new strategy that will shape County Durham’s economy over the
next decade and beyond has been officially adopted by the county council.
The County Durham Inclusive Economic Strategy sets a clear, long-term vision for the area’s economy up to 2035, with an overarching aim to create more and better jobs in an inclusive, green economy.
This week, members of Durham County Council’s Cabinet agreed to formally adopt the document, which has been developed through County Durham Economic Partnership
Glyn Llewellyn, Chair of the CDEP, said: “The Economic Strategy will help deliver a
prosperous future for the people of County Durham and a future for generations to come
where anything is possible.
“Now we have the strategy in place, we need everyone to work together to deliver it – from
SMEs to large companies with investments in the area, everyone needs to play their part
in ensuring it achieves its aims.”
The vision, priorities and areas of focus within the strategy have been shaped by an
Economic Statement which establishes the state of the county’s economy today and the
opportunities and challenges for the future.
The statement shows that County Durham has a strong and diverse economy worth £8.8
billion, with 14,000 businesses and significant strengths in advanced manufacturing and
health and life sciences. However, it also highlights that between 2006 and 2020, the
economy grew by only 26.8 per cent compared to a national figure of 49.8 per cent.
The Inclusive Economic Strategy seeks to overcome barriers in order to transform levels of
growth and harness the county’s potential, with all partners actively working towards this
shared vision.
The strategy has also been informed by feedback from residents, businesses and young
people gathered during the Big Econ-versation, an extensive stakeholder engagement
process which took place between February and April this year. This feedback was fed
into the strategy during a series of workshops which were followed by a second, targeted
phase of engagement.
Cllr Elizabeth Scott, Cabinet member for economy and partnerships, said: “The Inclusive
Economic Strategy is deliberately ambitious. It is bold, but it is also deliverable.
“We know that there will be challenges over the coming months and years, particularly with
the current financial pressures we are all facing. However, the strategy looks at how we
respond to the immediate challenges in front of us, as well as having a longer-term focus
on the future and how we can build a stronger County Durham for generations to come.
“It is crucial that the strategy is adopted as a joint, agreed vision for everyone and our
whole county. While the council will be one of the key drivers behind the strategy and its
delivery, this document does not belong to us. The strategy was developed in partnership
with a wide range of stakeholders, and it is important that it is taken forward as something
that belongs to everyone. We need all our partners and anchor institutions working
together to achieve our shared vision.”
The vision within the strategy is built on five key areas:
People – supporting people into education, training and jobs and enabling them to
excel in their careers and in business.
Productivity – supporting business innovation, growth and higher levels of
Places – improving places and planning infrastructure so that people and
businesses can access opportunities.
Promotion – promoting the county, its assets and opportunities to businesses,
investors, visitors, developers and residents.
Planet – investing in people, technologies, research, development and businesses
in order to help achieve net zero emissions in County Durham by 2045.
Professor Karen O’Brien, Vice-Chancellor of Durham University, said: “We share Durham
County Council’s commitment to driving economic growth that benefits communities
across our county.
“The partnership between the council and the university offers us the opportunity to
leverage the scale, capability and capacity of our organisations and associated
partnerships to make a real, positive difference in the county and on the global stage.”
A detailed Delivery Plan will now be developed by the CDEP, which includes partners from
the private, charity and community sector, giving stakeholders another chance to help
shape and deliver the strategy.
The Delivery Plan will be reviewed regularly so that it can respond to economic changes
and to allow priorities to be reassessed and reset. This will ensure the strategy is a live
document that can drive growth and aspirations for the county throughout its lifespan,
while also offering a targeted response to the current cost of living crisis.
The Inclusive Economic Strategy will be published in early 2023 with the Delivery Plan
following in the autumn.
For more information, visit www.durham.gov.uk/economicstrategy